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[INTERVIEW]: Easter and Traditions in Jacqueline’s Life

Faith processions, accras, fasting, Matoutou, lamb #dedieu, beach or river outings, family or friends camping… Some will take advantage of this long weekend to mingle with the crowd while others will prefer moments away from large gatherings. In any case, everyone will celebrate Easter in their own way… Airlocal Martinique interviewed Jacqueline, a Spiritan for whom family time is crucial. What has she planned for this year? Find out in her response below. 😜


Jacqueline opens up about her Easter program.

Hello Jacqueline. Thank you for agreeing to participate in this interview.

During our exchange, we will mainly talk about Easter. But first:

– Who is Jacqueline and what do you do ?

– Hello everyone, I’m Jacqueline, I’m 56 years old, I’ve been a hairdresser for 30 years, and I’m the mother of a 31-year-old young woman.

According to the tradition of many Christians, Easter follows a period of abstinence and retreat that begins after the Carnival period and ends after Good Friday.

– What does Easter represent to you ?

chemin de croix

– Easter is a spiritual journey with 40 days of Lent for a period of introspection and awareness of our life, our choices, and our everyday behavior in relation to our faith. It is also a period of fasting to prepare for the celebration of Easter.

– Is tradition a part of your daily life ?

– Tradition is completely ingrained in my daily life, due to the habits that were instilled in me by my parents from a very young age, and that I have also passed on to my daughter.

– Regarding religion, do you have any customary practices? If so, which ones ?

– Lent begins with the Ash Wednesday mass, which I try to attend every year. In my daily life, I observe a fast where I only consume fish on Fridays. On that same day, I also attend the Stations of the Cross at the church. I try to live as a good Christian especially during this period.

Let’s play a little game.

– If I say “Lent”, you say …

– Abstinence and concession, awareness.

– If I say “Mi-Carême”, you say …

– For me, Lent lasts 40 days.

– If I say “Palm Sunday”, you say …

– Entrance into Holy Week.

– If I say “Good Friday”, you say …

– Death of Christ..

– If I say “fasting”, you say …

– No meat.

– If I say “Holy Saturday”, you say …

– Easter Vigil.

– Finally, if I say “Easter”, you say …

– Resurrection of Christ.


In addition to the strong religious aspect in Martinique, other themes come up very frequently:

  • food and its #teammorphales;
  • family spirit and its #teamfamilyfirst;
  • the joys of nature with the #teambeachplease and #teamanbabwa. – Jacqueline, during the Easter weekend, what do you usually prepare for your family ?

– On Sunday, I host my family for a good meal where I prepare lamb. On Monday, it’s tradition for us to prepare a matoutou de crabes and some gâteaux péyi (local cakes) as a family.

– Do you usually gather as a family, Covid or not ?

– Covid hasn’t stopped us from gathering these past two years. We still followed the safety guidelines and had our meals outdoors.

– Which team do you belong to? The ones who enjoy family pleasures at home or at a family member’s home? The ones who camp at the beach? The ones who gather as a family at the beach? The ones who gather as a family by a river? Tell us everything.

– In my family, we usually celebrate amongst ourselves, mostly at my place or at my siblings’ homes. I know it’s tradition to gather at the beach, but we prefer to stay in a small group in the countryside..

– Jacqueline, once again, thank you for this brief insight into your life. The entire Martinique Airlocal team wishes you a happy Easter.

Dear readers, I have two questions for you. Do you see yourself in Jacqueline’s profile? Which team will you belong to this Easter weekend? Tell us everything in the comments. 📱💻😎

Wishing everyone a happy Easter !

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Andrée-Coralie AMABLE

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