Soon a new Minister for Overseas Territories

After 5 months and 22 days, Philippe Vigier will soon leave the Hôtel de Montmorin, which is the Parisian headquarters of the delegated ministry for overseas territories. The politician was appointed on July 20, 2023, replacing Jean-François Carenco. Philippe Vigier left the government with the departure of the former Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne. What should be remembered from his time in the overseas territories ?

nouveau Ministre pour les Outre-Mers

Philippe Vigier: a mixed record at the Ministry of Overseas France

The delegated ministry for overseas territories is currently in the spotlight, marked by the mission entrusted to Philippe Vigier by Emmanuel Macron when he was appointed as the delegated minister. His main objective was to tour the overseas territories, with the exception of Wallis and Futuna where he did not travel, to implement the 72 measures of the Interministerial Council for Overseas Territories (CIOM), established by his predecessor, Jean-François Carenco. The progress report presented at the end of last year by Philippe Vigier in front of elected officials sparked mixed reactions. The elected official, although experienced in politics, had the handicap of never having shown a particular interest in overseas territories. Awkward moments tainted his tenure, notably when he suggested "boiling water to make it drinkable" in Guadeloupe (which, like Mayotte, is facing a severe water crisis) and confused two Caribbean political leaders, Serge Letchimy (President of the Executive Council of Martinique) and Guy Losbar (President of the Departmental Council of Guadeloupe). The media also reported Philippe Vigier's presumed desire to leave his post, while information from Médiapart raised questions about his persistent use of cabinet services for private activities, even after officially leaving his position

Un bilan en demi-teinte

Names mentioned for the ministry of Overseas Territories

The ministerial reshuffle is imminent, with speculation about potential successors to Philippe Vigier. The names of Olivier Dussopt, who led the pension reform under the government of Élisabeth Borne, and Hervé Berville, former Secretary of State for the Sea, are circulating. Max Dubois, close to Emmanuel Macron and former head of the Overseas Department in the 2017 presidential campaign, is also mentioned as a possible successor, embodying a presidential fight against the all-powerful monopolies. The new delegated minister for overseas territories will be called upon to continue efforts for local development (issues related to water, transportation, etc.) and the fight against economic inequalities, notably purchasing power, in these territories. Political figures from overseas, such as Reunion Senator Stéphane Fouassin and Guadeloupean Deputy Olivier Serva, are also considered as possible successors to Philippe Vigier. The official announcement of the government reshuffle is imminent, arousing anticipation within the French political landscape.

UPDATE 12/02/24: It is finally Marie Guévenoux, aged 47, who has joined the new government. On Thursday 8 February 2024, she was appointed Minister for Overseas France.

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Mélanie NONONE

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