Carnival 2024: Small tips for a safe enjoyment

Here we are! The eagerly awaited Carnival season has finally kicked off in Martinique. An opportunity to dress up, attend various parades in the center, south, and north, and also let loose completely after the Christmas period and the stress of daily life. To ensure the celebration stays beautiful, it is important to take certain precautions to make the most of this vibrant period.

carnaval martinique deroulement

Protecting yourself from noise during parades

Carnival, in general, is synonymous with parades and, consequently, loud and captivating music. We may not pay much attention, but similar to a concert, it is essential to protect your ears with earplugs. Their role? Significantly reduce the noise around you and allow you to get as close to the floats as possible without damaging your hearing. Your hearing will thank you! For babies and children, earmuffs are best suited to protect their hearing and avoid compromising it from a young age.

tambours carnaval martinique

Protecting yourself from alcohol abuse during the festivities

The crazier the party, the more alcohol flows. However, with festivities, moderation may not always be the norm, especially when having fun with friends. It is advisable from the start to set a consumption limit and, most importantly, if someone is designated to abstain from drinking, ensure that they are responsible for getting everyone home safely! Have non-alcoholic drinks on hand just in case, and don't forget to stay hydrated with water regularly.

Protecting yourself from STIs

The euphoria of Carnival often involves socializing and/or relaxation. Therefore, it is important to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections. Make sure to have protection with you during the parades and always use it when needed. Many organizations, including "Aides Martinique," offer condom distribution during the carnival days, as well as testing in case of doubt and specialized support in case of infection. Also, don't hesitate to consult a healthcare professional for any doubts or questions.

Protecting yourself from assaults

With its success, Carnival attracts many people, not all of whom may have good intentions! Numerous assaults occur during the festivities, so it is essential to stay vigilant, especially in crowded places! Ensure to keep your personal belongings securely at home and take only the essentials. Also, avoid leaving your important papers and documents in your car. Refrain from venturing into sparsely frequented areas, especially alone, particularly at night. If you feel followed or threatened, look for a group of people, security personnel, or call the police.

fete carnaval martinique

Protecting yourself from seasonal viruses

The flu is making a comeback this season! Numerous cases of contamination have been reported in recent weeks, coinciding with Carnival, and the proximity to the crowd during parades can be a place where the risk of virus transmission is heightened! Feel free to carry hand sanitizer with you to wash your hands regularly. Similarly, if you feel feverish, rest, and stay at home in case of doubt, to avoid contaminating others.

By following these tips, you will enjoy a quality time surrounded by friends, in a moment of joy and merriment, safely and serenely. Carnival and the festive days only happen once a year, so it is important to do everything possible to have the maximum fun.

Happy Carnival to all!

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