The Pitaya

caracteristiques fruit du dragon

Pitaya, also known as dragon fruit, is a beautiful and fascinating tropical fruit belonging to the Cactaceae family. It originated in Central America and is grown in many parts of the world, particularly Southeast Asia, South America, Australia and the USA. This exotic fruit, which has grown in popularity over the years, is known for its unique taste, vibrant color and numerous health benefits. Let's discover pitaya together!

What is the Pitaya?

The pitaya is a cactus that can grow up to 20 meters long. **It has flat, green stems covered with thorns. **This is what gives it its characteristic cactus-like appearance. Pitaya flowers are large, white and fragrant. Once pollinated, these flowers turn into fruit.

There are three main varieties of pitaya. White pitaya (Hylocereus undatus) has pink or pale yellow skin and white flesh dotted with small black seeds. Soft and slightly sweet, it is reminiscent of pears and melons. Red pitaya (Hylocereus costaricensis), on the other hand, has bright red or pink skin, with intense red flesh. Often considered the sweetest and tastiest of the three varieties, it also has notes of tropical fruits such as mango and strawberry. Finally, yellow pitaya (Hylocereus megalanthus) has bright yellow skin and white or pale yellow flesh. It is generally a little more tart than white pitaya

How do you grow Pitaya?

Pitaya requires a tropical or subtropical climate, with average temperatures between 20 and 30 degrees. It is grown from seed, although the most common method is stem cutting. Pitaya plants are generally climbers and need a support, such as a trellis, to spread. Often grown commercially in large fields or greenhouses, it is sensitive to extreme weather conditions. Pitaya flowers are only pollinated at night by specific insects and animals. The fruits are fragile, so harvesting is generally done by hand. They are harvested when ripe, as indicated by their color and slight softness to the touch.

utilisation culinaire pitaya

How is pitaya cooked?

Appreciated for its sweet, juicy flesh, as well as its beautiful appearance, it is often eaten fresh, halved and scooped out with a spoon. Versatile, it can be added to fruit salads, smoothies, desserts, sauces, milkshakes, ice creams and cocktails to add an exotic, colorful touch. It can also be made into juice, jam, sorbet or purée for use in a variety of sweet and savoury recipes. Apart from the flesh, young pitaya shoots are edible and can be prepared in a variety of ways: steamed, sautéed or added to salads. The thorns, on the other hand, are toxic and should be avoided.

What are the health benefits of pitaya?

Not only is it delicious, but it also offers numerous health benefits. It's rich in antioxidants, minerals and a source of vitamins C and B. Its fiber content aids digestion, helping to regulate intestinal transit and prevent constipation. It boosts the immune system, reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and regulates blood pressure thanks to its minerals, potassium, magnesium and iron. It also promotes healthy skin.

When cooking pitaya, be sure to remove not only the skin, but also the small black seeds that make up the skin, as these are inedible. Once cut, it will keep for a week in the freezer, but it's best to eat it soon after opening to enjoy all its benefits, flavor and freshness.